Luke 15:1-10 Now all the tax collectors and sinners were coming near to listen to
him. And the Pharisees and the scribes
were grumbling and saying, "This fellow welcomes sinners and eats with
them." So he told them this
parable: "Which one of you, having
a hundred sheep and losing one of them, does not leave the ninety-nine in the
wilderness and go after the one that is lost until he finds it? When he has found it, he lays it on his
shoulders and rejoices. And when he
comes home, he calls together his friends and neighbors, saying to them,
'Rejoice with me, for I have found my sheep that was lost.' Just so, I tell you, there will be more joy in
heaven over one sinner who repents than over ninety-nine righteous persons who
need no repentance. "Or what woman
having ten silver coins, if she loses one of them, does not light a lamp, sweep
the house, and search carefully until she finds it? When she has found it, she calls together her
friends and neighbors, saying, 'Rejoice with me, for I have found the coin that
I had lost.' Just so, I tell you, there
is joy in the presence of the angels of God over one sinner who repents."
is a story about spiritual exclusivity. The Pharisees and scribes observed a
religious code that demanded ritual cleansing if they associated with people
who were deemed to be unclean. So they adopted a policy of avoidance, and for
this reason they criticized Jesus for socializing with sinners. Jesus responded
to this by means of traditional rabbinical storytelling. A shepherd spends time
and energy in searching for a lost sheep, and a woman diligently searches for a
lost coin. Both of these make the point that “sinners” are to be found, and not
discarded. In a culture where the religious people worked hard at punishing and
excluding those who did not conform to social norms, Jesus urges the religious
leaders to go in search of those who are lost to them.
story is just as challenging to us today: the challenge is to find ways of
including those who do not conform to our cultural and religious norms. Sometimes
this asks us to confront unjust and abusive views and actions with Godly values.
Other times this demands a robust
engagement where we all learn from one another. The one thing we cannot do is
to abandon people we deem to be ‘lost’.
Rescue the perishing, care for the dying,
Snatch them in pity from sin and the grave;
Weep o’er the erring one, lift up the fallen,
Tell them of Jesus, the mighty to save.
Rescue the
perishing, care for the dying,
Jesus is merciful, Jesus will save.
Down in the human heart, crushed by the tempter,
Feelings lie buried that grace can restore;
Touched by a loving heart, wakened by kindness,
Chords that were broken will vibrate once more.
Fanny Crosby, 1869; appeared in Songs
of Devotion (New York: Biglow & Main, 1870).
Second Sunday after Trinity
32 God’s Gracious Love
The Scripture passage for the day is drawn from Reuben
Job and Norman Shawchuck, A Guide to
Prayer for Ministers and other Servants, (Nashville, The Upper Room 1983).
This reflection is from my own devotional exercises for
the day.
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